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Thursday 23 July 2020

BMEPNI summarising blog post.

Accelerated Learning in Literacy Term 3

Our class in Year 9 are looking at four main skills we will be looking at this term to improve our literacy.  The Fab Four skills are: 





A skill that students use to improve their literacy is to be able to summarise what they see, read, hear, view or watch.

At the start of the term, our teacher Mr McCartney got us to write about our holidays under the heading BMEPNI - which is an acronym for beginning, middle and end, positives, minuses and interesting.

My original story was 219 words

Then he asked us to choose TWO sentences from each paragraph that were the main ones for beginning, middle, end, positives, minuses and interesting.

103 words on July Holidays.

The holidays were quick. It wasn’t really relaxing because I still had a lot of things to do and I always woke up late and stayed up late. I didn’t get a lot of sleep during the holidays because I was up playing games with my friends and texting my friends. During the holidays I got a text from some of my primary friends and I hung out with them and It was really good seeing them again. My uncle's sudden appearance caused a lot of stress to the family because he had to stay at our house so we had to reorganise.

B. Beginning. The beginning of my holidays were good because I slept in a lot and went to sleep late. I didn’t do much during the first couple of days but of course helped out with the chores. 

M. Middle. The middle of the holidays were getting colder and we had wood delivered to our place so we had to stack it up and put it into boxes and it hurt my back. I played roblox with my friends from school and watched YouTube most of the day. 

E. End. The end of the holidays were not so good because my uncle suddenly came back and we had to move all the rooms around to make space for him and my parents were quite annoyed and frustrated. 

P. Positive. The positive thing about the holidays is that I caught up with my friends from primary in the holidays and went to Margaret's birthday party. It was really fun.

N. Negative. The negative thing about the holidays was when my uncle suddenly came back so we had to rearrange EVERYTHING which brought stress upon everyone in the household. 

I. Interesting. The interesting thing about the holidays were, we were supposed to get our wood delivered on Monday but someone cancelled their order so we got our wood earlier! 

-219 words. 

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