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Wednesday 2 December 2020

Travis Wetlands Blogging Post.

On Monday the 30th of November the form classes 9my, 9st and 9dn went on a trip to Travis Wetland. 

We got onto a bus and set off to Travis Wetland. Once we got to Travis Wetland we stopped at the bench to divide into groups so we don't all bunch up. My group were with Mrs. Saunders and Dr. Borella aswell as Mrs. Mason. We first stopped at the bridge looking over to see some eels and ducks swimming across the water, Swans were resting on the bank and the harakeke was draping over for the native birds to come harvest. 

We had 15 stops to go to and we made it through looking at the scenery and the beautiful native plants and tress. The many houses guarded by a fence because some had predators to the native birds such as, cats and dogs. New buildings and houses were built since the last time the teachers went and it was an interesting experience. 

Once we stopped at number 11 we decided to have a rest and have some snacks to energize ourselves up again than afterwards we set on our walk again. The rain started to pour as our walk was nearly over and we hurried to the shelter but luckily some people brought their umbrellas so we were guarded from the rain for some time. 

I learned new things about what the native birds and animals eat and where they find their shelter from predators. I learnt that the wetlands was a place filled with all different species and animals. Harakeke and different plants were all around the place and workers cleaning out all the clutter in the fishes and birds habitats. 

By the end the teachers made the decision to call it off early otherwise we have been very sick and drenched in the cold. Mr. Carter had some peanuts that he gave to some people while we were waiting for the bus to arrive and once it did we all rushed onto the bus into the warmth of the bus. 

While on our trip home we began to recognize that this wasn't the way to our school infact the bus driver had drove us to the wrong school, Marshlands Primary School. We all joked about it than we were on the right path to our school, Mairehau High School. We all arrived back to school and rushed into the library to get a movie on but technical difficulties were an issue so we had talked in our groups. 

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