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Thursday 20 August 2020

Summary in ENGLISH


All Mairehau High School Year 9 English classes this year are part of the ALL Programme ( Accelerated Learning and Literacy.) We are practising the skill of being able to summarise what we read.

Firstly we highlight difficult words in YELLOW
Second we highlight keywords in PINK 
Lastly, we use firstly, next and lastly to summarise the paragraph. 

In English we have been summarising about animals and their ways to protect themselves from predators. We chose three animals to summarise about and here is one of mine. When high lighting the keywords we were only allowed to highlight 6-7 words so it would be easier to summarise it better. 

Firstly, Skunks are most known for their way of defending themselves from predators and other things that alarm them. If Skunks feel threatened they will spray a nasty smelling liquid beneath their tail. A skunk will carry out a threat by raising its tail when threatened or challenged. Skunks spend their days sleeping and are most active during the evening and night time. Skunks are in North and South of America and people tend to avoid them because of the smell they spray.  

Summary- Firstly, The skunk defends itself by spraying a nasty smelling liquid beneath their tail. Skunks are found in North and South of America.
23 words for final summary. 

Monday 10 August 2020

Street Art.

Summarising Street Art 
What is your reaction to the art? 
I thought her face was serious and the moko on her chin was traditional as well as the head piece. The bird (huia) does not exist anymore and was last seen in December 28, 1907. The colours contrast each other and the clouds and leaves. I have not seen it in real life. 
What are the colours in the street art?
The colours used in this Street Art are orange, cyan and black and green with a little bit of white. The orange stands out the most because it's a dominant colour because all the other colours are cold and orange is a warm colour. 
What do you think the art represents?
The woman holding the bird looks like shes holding like she has to protect it. The bird is in danger or becoming in danger. The mood is serious because of her straight face showing no emotion apart from seriousness. It looks like she is Maori with a moko and the leaf headband on her head.
Artist name- Erika Pearce
Art location- Allen street, CBD Christchurch.

Thursday 6 August 2020

Street Art Vocab.

Street Art Vocab


My prediction-

Dictionary definition-


A place where art is to be seen.

Display of art.


A big painting of things.

Directly on the wall.


Art on buildings.

Scribbles in public places.


A style.

A topic.


Get someone to do something for you.

Trusted by the government.


Something that will get you in trouble.

Forbidden law.


Facial expressions, how you feel.

Thoughts and feelings.


Hand movements.

A movement.


Bright colours. 

Being different.

Monday 3 August 2020


Magpies Poem and Summary. 

   Summary of the Magpies Poem.

We had to summarise the whole poem with just 60-70 words. We had to use words to summarise like, The text is about, This part is about, First, Next, Last. 
This poem is about a couple called Tom and Elizabeth. The first stanza is about how they bought a farm and they were
poor. Next we learn that the couple worked hard for many years (stanza 2 and 3). The next part is about them losing their crops to the mortgage man. Lastly it is mentioned that Elizabeth died and the farm is abandoned today (stanza 5 and 6). 69 words.

Some links about the Magpie Story.

Bird Mascot.


What bird did you choose to represent yourself?; The bird I chose is a Crane. I originally chose this because Kung Fu Panda inspired me because of the crane from Kung Fu Panda.    

Where does your bird live?; Cranes live on five out of the seven continents. Africa, Asia, Australia ,Europe, and North America. 

Why did you choose this bird to represent you?; I choose this bird because of the Kung Fu Panda reference but also because in Asia the Crane is a symbol of happiness which I like to think I am a happy person inside. 

What is the bird afraid of?  Humans do not count.; A Crane is a protected specie. Foil balloons or flashy objects will scare Cranes away as well as scarecrows and black flags. 

Is your bird smart?; A Crane is not that smart. They are easy to capture by their prey and sometimes cannot recognise their own species. 

Crane Sound Calls.

some photos of a crane.